Payment Methods
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept PayPal and VISA/Maestro/MasterCard credit/debit cards.
How could I place an order if I do only have other credit/debit cards?
You can try to use PayPal to pay with your card. PayPal account is not required to pay in the following steps.
- Chose PayPal at choosing Payment method step on checkout.
- Click the "Complete order" button to redirect to PayPal.
- Select "Pay with Credit or Debit Card" on that page.
- Complete payment with your card.
What can I do if my credit card payment fails?
- Check if the credit card number, date, and verification information are correct
- Try another credit card. Make sure the card is valid with sufficient credit.
- The payment collecting service we use is provided by a Europen Payment Gateway. So, please make sure your credit card is valid for cross-border pay. You could consult the credit card issuer on this.
- Contact the credit card issuer or us to inquire about the specific reason for the transaction failure.